About the publisher

What does
psycho-social mean?

Many of us are challenged in our specific professional fields to deal professionally with situations that appear “chaotic”. The larger whole in this context stands for the unpredictable dynamics of interpersonal interaction, for the social situations we create together. The individual details stand for the manifold aspects of the inner-psychic worlds of experience of the individual persons. The double term psycho-social brings both sides together and focuses on their interaction. Professional actions succeed when both aspects are harmoniously intertwined. Complex, seemingly “chaotic” processes can be effectively understood and assessed in a field of tension described in interactionist terms.

Our offer for theory & practice

We at Verlag für psychosoziale Medien are aware of this challenge. We offer our readers knowledge and tools that help to mentally penetrate, understand and master complex situations in the psycho-social field of tension. We publish scientifically sound texts (peer-reviewed) that theoretically penetrate psycho-social interaction processes in a variety of ways – and we publish creative tools for use in daily practice and to support thought processes in practical reflection.

A consistently high professional quality of our publications is very important to us. The work of the publishing house is continuously supported by a scientific advisory board / circle of supporters, which currently includes the following persons: Prof. Dr. Frank Como-Zipfel, Dipl. Soz.Arb. M.A. Dario Deloie, Prof. Dr. Stephan Ellinger, Dipl. Soz.Arb. Stephanus Gabbert, Prof. Dr. phil. Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Dr. Gernot Hahn, Prof. Dr. Helmut Pauls and Prof. Dr. Michael Reicherts. In addition, we cooperate with other persons from the professional context of the publishing house, who take over content reviews in case of publication requests.

Quality over quantity

Our principles

We also always try to keep the bigger picture in mind while working on the concrete individual details in the publishing process. Our organizational structure is not that of a classic power hierarchy, but rather all those involved determine the course of the publishing house together and on an equal footing. In the concrete design of the texts and materials, the employees work independently on an equal footing with the management. And – not centrally, but even the small details are important to us: Our bank is a cooperative bank and our web server runs on 100% green electricity.

History of the publisher

The Central Office for Clinical Social Work (ZKS), founded in 2001 by Helmut Pauls, existed from 2001 to 2017 and was committed to the establishment of clinical social work in Germany. It was initially under the auspices of the IPSG Institute for Psycho-Social Health (gGmbH, an academic institution at Coburg University of Applied Sciences recognized under the Bavarian Higher Education Act). In 2011, it was spun off from the IPSG and continued as a corporate entity (with the shareholders IPSG-Institute for Psycho-Social Health, Dr. Gernot Hahn, Prof, Dr. Helmut Pauls). In 2016, ZKS transferred the certification of specialist social workers as well as the management of the website www.klinische-sozialarbeit.de and the platform zks-connect to the European Center for Clinical Social Work (ECCSW; there the website is continued under www.eccsw.de). The ZKS publishing house, founded in 2010, was transferred to the Publishing House for Psychosocial Media in 2017, where it continued as initially the Central Publishing House for Clinical Social Work, and since 2019 as the ZKS Publishing House for Psychosocial Media. Following the successful transfer of its central functions, ZKS was dissolved in 2017.

ZKS Medien

Collaboration PArtners

We would like to thank our cooperation partners very much for their commitment!

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