ZKS medien

Detlef Girke
Detlef ist Geschäftsführer von ZKS Medien. Außerdem kümmert er sich um technische Belange. Sein Steckenpferd dabei ist Barrierefreiheit.

Meike Kappenstein

Hanna Hoos

Wolfgang Haase

Dr. Tony Hofmann

Prof. Dr. Helmut Pauls

Dr. Gernot Hahn

Prof. Dr. Frank Como-Zipfel

Prof. Dr. Michael Reicherts

Prof. Dr. Philippe Genoud
You can submit your text for review to the following people (please indicate “submit for publication” when filling out the form):

Prof. Dr. Frank Como-Zipfel
Professorship at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Faculty of Applied Social Sciences), teaching areas “Social Pedagogical Methods with an Empirical-Behavioral Focus” and “Basic Strategies of Behavior Modification” (module leader). Head of the study focus “Social work with mentally ill and addicted people”.

Dipl.-Soz.Arb. Dario Deloie M.A.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Dettmers
Professorship at HAW Kiel (Social Work and Health), Dipl. Sozialarbeiter / Sozialpädagoge (FH), Master of Arts (M.A.) Clinical Social Work, Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Faculty of Philosophy (Medical Sociology).

Prof. Dr. phil. Silke Birgitta Gahleitner
Univ. Professorship for Integrative Therapy and Psychosocial Interventions, Department of Psychotherapy and Biopsychosocial Health Danube University Krems; Professorship for Clinical Psychology and Social Work (Work Area: Psychotherapy and Counseling), Alice-Salomon-Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Dr. GErnot Hahn
Diplom Sozialpädagoge (FH), Diplom Sozialpädagoge/Soziale Therapie (Univ.), research and teaching of clinical social work and social therapy, with a focus on forensic psychiatry.

Prof. Dr. Helmut Pauls
Professorship at the HS Coburg (Faculty of Social Work and Health), graduate psychologist, psychological psychotherapist, extraordinary member of the KV Bayern, supervisor BDP, trainer of the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächspsychotherapie(GwG).

Prof. Dr. Anton Schlittmaier
Professor at the Berufsakademie Sachsen, Staatliche Studienakademie Breitenbrunn/Erzgebirge (Department of Social Work), Diplom-Sozialpädagoge (FH), Master of Philosophy and Social Sciences (M.A.), alternative practitioner for psychotherapy

Prof. Dr. phil. Ralph Viehhauser
Professor at HAW Landshut (teaching psychology, clinical psychology/psychotherapy, clinical social work), graduate psychologist and psychological psychotherapist.

Prof Dr. Martin Wallroth
Graduate psychologist and master of philosophy, dean and professor of clinical social work and ethics of social work at the Faculty of Commerce and Social Work at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences (University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel). Main areas of expertise: Clinical social work in addiction treatment and ethical issues in clinical social work.

Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. pol. Günter Zurhorst
Professorship at the HS Mittweida (Faculty of Social Work, focus on health sciences, health promotion and prevention, retired since summer semester 2010).